Παρασκευή 8 Ιουνίου 2018

Morpheus TV v.1.55

Δείτε ταινίες και σειρές με Ελληνικούς υπότιτλους και χωρίς διαφημίσεις..

Movies and TV Shows retrieved from third-party websites like Trakt.tv, TMDB, Imdb, SeriesOnline, 123MoviesHD, CartoonHD, Flixanity, Alluc, etc... all in one App!

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Keep track of your movies and tvshows using Trakt.tv.
Designed for TV and Dpad navigation.

The author does not host or upload any of the content of the app.
All content is retrieved from third-party websites like Trakt.tv, TMDB, Imdb, SeriesOnline, 123MoviesHD, CartoonHD, Flixanity, Alluc, etc...
The author does not have any affiliation with the content providers and is not responsible for the content they provide.

Handy Tip
Default subtitles are enabled by default but can be turned off via the app settings. Some people may have problems with the subtitles sticking when trying to load a movie or show, this may be fixed by disabling secondary language.

- Fix subtitle style when casting.
- Added option to change Cast Receier App.

This app has no advertisements


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